Chineham Medical Practice
“Exceptional care with the right person, in the right place at the right time.”
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Contact details and opening times
General enquiries
Fit notes, referrals, test results, update your details and more
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New registrations, catchment area and more
Self help
Coughs, flu, backache and other minor illnesses
Help for mental health, drugs and alcohol, smoking and more
Practice information
About us, staff, PPG, policies and more
Patient Notice
We are seeing an increased incidence of acute respiratory infections in the community. In response we would like to encourage patients to consider wearing masks, especially if attending the Practice with respiratory illnesses. If a patient prefers to wear a mask, they are available at reception.
Local and NHS services
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Latest surgery news
Chineham Friends and Family Test
We want you to have the best possible experience of care. Provide feedback and you can help us improve our services.