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Nursing team

Advanced nurse practitioners

The advanced nurse practitioners are important members of our duty team.  All of our nurse practitioners triage and treat patients and are qualified to prescribe medication. 

Amy Castle, (f)

BSc – sociology

Advanced diploma – adult nursing

Nurse Independent Prescribing Level 7

Currently undertaking masters for advanced clinical practice

Lorna Heath, (f)

RN dipHE (Adult Nursing) 1993
Bsc Hons Community Nursing (Specialist Practitioner) 2001
Nurse Independent/Supplementary Prescribing : Level 6, 2008
MSc Advanced Clinical Practice (Advanced Nurse Practitioner) Post Graduate diploma 2023

Specialises in : diabetes and asthma

Lizzie Bettridge, (f)

Advanced diploma – adult nursing

Nurse Independent Prescribing Level 7

Currently undertaking masters for advanced clinical practice

Practice nurses and healthcare assistants

Our practice nurses are qualified and registered nurses. They can help with health issues such as family planning, healthy living advice, blood pressure checks and dressings. The practice nurses run clinics for long-term health conditions such as asthma or diabetes, minor ailment clinics and carry out cervical smears. 

Among their varied duties, the healthcare assistants take bloods (phlebotomy) and carry out health checks. 

Sue Thompson, (f)

Practice nurse

Chris Embleton, (f)

Practice nurse

Anna Davies, (f)

Practice nurse

Charlotte Kirkpatrick, (f)

Practice nurse

Annabelle Eastwood, (f)

Frailty nurse

Julie Kirkup, (f)

Healthcare assistant

Helen Cox, (f)

Healthcare assistant

Sophie Dymond, (f)

Healthcare assistant